Php code to find leap year or not, Monday, July 6, 2009

We can find a year is leap year or not in various ways.we can use the following fuctions in php.

  • By using date() function

  • By Modulus operator

Here is a sample php code that uses modulus(%)operator for finding the leap year.

Write the below code within php tags

Start of php tag

$start = 1000;
$end = 1011;
for($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++)
if(($i%4) == 0){$val = "Leap Year";}else{$val = "Not Leap Year";}
echo $i, ' ---> '.$val.'

End of php tag.

It will produce the output as given below.

1000 ---> Leap Year
1001 ---> Not Leap Year
1002 ---> Not Leap Year
1003 ---> Not Leap Year
1004 ---> Leap Year
1005 ---> Not Leap Year
1006 ---> Not Leap Year
1007 ---> Not Leap Year
1008 ---> Leap Year
1009 ---> Not Leap Year
1010 ---> Not Leap Year

You find leap years for any year ranges by changing the $start and $end.

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posted by seoprogrammingblog @ 11:15 PM permanent link   |

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