Google launches google suggest beta- A great google addon feature
Google is testing beta version of their new wonderful product google suggest, google suggest helps people find relevant queries through a suggested search engine friendly drop down,
For example if you type google it will bring down relevant list of deep queries, for example words like google search, google suggest a site, google toolbar, google scholar etc,
it is a great product you can reach it here,
Screen shot of the new google product google suggest
For example if you type google it will bring down relevant list of deep queries, for example words like google search, google suggest a site, google toolbar, google scholar etc,
it is a great product you can reach it here,
Screen shot of the new google product google suggest
Try entering in:
zzz google select rocks my world
It's about time for this Google. I can't imagine that this was so difficult to bring to the masses a long time ago. Compared to the other search technology developments, this seems like it would have been a piece of cake. No?
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