An Interview with Tim Converse - Interesting discussion with Tim of yahoo search posted in yahoo search blog
An interesting interview with with Tim Converse is posted in the yahoo search blog, It is an interesting insight into yahoo search worth the read check it out here in the yahoo search blog,
An extract from the interview,
An extract from the interview,
JQ: When it comes to fighting spam, there's all kinds of software and many
people trying to stop spam attempts. With all of us trying to detect this, is
there a way to tell the search engines about it?
A: We get a lot of that
data on our own. We have a pretty large view and we're approaching the spam
problem from a lot of different directions. But nobody should expect to see any
sudden change in spam just yet.
Take weblog comment spam, for example. Two
things will have to happen for comment spam attempts to decrease; one is that
spamming will have to not work for search engines and the second is that comment
spammers will have to realize it. (laughs). There could be a long lag there
where, even if every search engine totally nailed them, spammers could still
operate under the belief that it worked. What we can do from the search engine
point of view is make spam not help.
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