new Bigdaddy datacenters report huge increase in search result pages

comparing to the previous google the new improved googlebot which powers the bigdaddy datacenters are having huge increase in indexed data, Could this be because of new googlebot's ( google's crawler ) effective way of crawling sophisticated Javascript, flash, frames etc??

A search for *.* showed 9,660,000,000 now its showing 25,270,000,000 ( that's more than 25 billion ) results,

A search for "the" showed 8,660,000,000 now its showing 22,010,000,000

Is new bigdaddy infrastructure datacenter a step ahead in google's crawling technology??????


Blogger althea said...

Data centers resemble large, highly secure warehouse fortresses with foot-thick walls, specialized flooring and infrastructure that house thousands of computer servers with massive air-conditioning and power systems. They serve up the digital data that people use in their daily lives, from Web pages to e-mail to applications on the Internet.
Internet Marketing

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