Can links from foreign sites hurt your Google US rankings?

I have seen more and more people getting worried about their US ranking affected just because they get links from sites hosted in foreign countries. I recommend there is nothing to worry because of this.

Google ofcourse geo-targeting buy they also have ways to relate links to sites regardless of where they come from. If your site is hosted in US and have enough US backlinks i wouldn't worry about links from other sites.

Its very normal to get backlinks from other language sites especially if you run an information site. We get ton of backlinks from Japanese, swedish, german, spanish and lots and lots of other language sites still our rankings never moved. So i wouldn't worry about it. Just keep improving your site and always lookout for natural backlinks it will be a hit.

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Anonymous luke said...

Ya I was very much worried about this problem...this post gives me a better clarification about links from foreign. Thanks for the post.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Arlo Gilbert said...

Thanks for this advice. Like me and other people think that lots of links from sites hosted in foreign cannot help to boost your SEO Campaign. But because of this post i am aware of the exact process.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Mustafa said...

Thanks for the article friend.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was searching really hard through search engines on some topics but finally i found it. Information provided here is really usefull. Thanks for such nice stuff! Toufique Ahmed

1:21 AM  

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