Matt cutts on web spam in recent web 2.0 Conference Oreilly

Here you can find some tips about combating spam from Google's Matt Cutts head of Google's Webspam team and an engineer who's been working on the problem for eight years. During a speech at the Web 2.0 Expo Matt Cutts explained about countering Web spam as-

"Spammers are human," Cutts said. "You have the power to raise their blood
pressure. Make them spend more time and effort...If spammer gets frustrated,
he's more likely to look for someone easier." How? Forthwith, some tips for
those who manage their own or others' Web sites. • Use captcha systems to make
sure real people, not bots, are commenting on your site. He uses a simple math
puzzle--what's 2 + 2?--but he also likes KittenAuth, which makes people identify
kitten photos. One blogger merely requires people to type the word "orange" into
a field. "The vast majority of bots will never do that," Cutts said. •
Reconfigure software settings after you've installed it. A little modification
of various settings will throw bots off the scent. "If you can off the beaten
path, away from default software installations, you'll save yourself a ton of
grief," he said. • Employ systems that rank people by trust and reputation. For
example, eBay shows how long a person has been a member and how satisfied others
are with transactions with that person. • Don't be afraid of legitimate
purveyors of search-engine optimization services. "SEO is not spam. Google does
not hate SEO," Cutts said. "There are plenty of white-hat SEO (companies) who
can help you out." Registering your Web site at Google's Webmaster Central site
can help find bogus search-engine optimization tricks others may use on your
site, such as keywords written in white text on white backgrounds, he added.

Speech by Matt Cutts was very information he did say white hat SEO companies are definitely recommended and its not difficult to find a good SEO company. He recommends comment authentication since there are a lot of blog spam lurking out there. Mattcutts has been a major link between webmasters and Google.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent tips. These kind of information makes ur blog to highlight. It is a very useful way to learn a lot in a short period of time, although it does take time out from my daily activities. Great…

6:47 PM  

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