Slow Crawling experienced by few webmasterworld members

Some webmasterworld members have reported slow crawling from Googlebot on their sites. When you check this thread you can see that many have posted data showing slow browsing from Googlebot. From the sites we monitor we don't see much changes to Googlebot crawling some of the sites which are actively updated Googlebot is regular in gobbling up pages. Some sites which are not updated often see a bit lesser browsing other than that things look very normal to me.

I probably feel this could be caused by drop in backlinks to sites or Google devaluing some links. Google is very active in devaluing links recently. I recommend webmasters to keep a check on their backlinks and see if they are devalued.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even I feel slow crawling from Googlebot on my site. If this is the reason for slow crawling, then let me increase back links on my site and let u know. Thanks for your suggestion..

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog seams to impress Googlebot, so that he may be active in crawling ur site..;)

7:19 PM  

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