Yahoo's Petabyte index - Bigger is not always better
Yahoo breaches the petabyte mark. Yahoo's VP for data Mr.Wagan announced that yahoo has crossed the petabyte mark of the Search Index. Google in 2005 announced their data is 3 times more than Yahoo's but after that they went into silence and started discussing on search quality.
Now Yahoo has bragged again that they now have the capacity to store 10s of petabytes of data and is ready for the coming future.
For anyone who don't know what a Petabyte is it 1024 Terabytes and 1 terabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes.
To tell in simple terms imagine you have an image on your website that is 50 KB then yahoo has data equivalent of 20,000,000,000 images that you have on your site. Or the current data cluster of Yahoo data equivalent of 20 billion 50 KB images.
Though yahoo claim to have a huge index i am sure Google will have much bigger index than Yahoo. I feel due to the competition between these two rivals soon we might expect an announcement from Google about their index capabilities.
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