MSN Live Search, Google Search and Yahoo Join Hands for a good reason

Google Yahoo MSN now have a common protocol for sitemaps and they also have same rules for understanding robots.txt file
As per live search blog,

"We at Live Search are pleased to announce another collaboration with Yahoo and Google aimed at making webmasters' lives easier. Webmasters have long used the Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP) to control how search engines access and display their content. The REP offers an easy and efficient way to communicate with search engines, and is currently used by millions of publishers worldwide.

Over the past few years, we have been working with Yahoo and Google to agree on common ways for webmasters to communicate with search engines. Our previous efforts include support for the Sitemaps protocol .While most search engines already comply with the REP, this is the first time the three major search engines have come together to detail how we actually implement the protocol. This effort makes it easier for webmasters to know how REP directives will be handled by search providers.
You can view the details of how we implement the REP at Documentation for the Robots Exclusion Protocol.

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GREAT :-D IDEA - there are many ways the 'big three' can cooperate and work together towards common goals for their collective common good….

Hope this is the beginning of a trend…

2:49 AM  
Anonymous drams said...

Awesome. I've already started working on a sitemaps wiki built on MediaWiki. Looking for up to 16 investors to put in $1 million. Accredited investors: don't hesitate, contact me now.

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Eccoman said...

Let the powers unite and rule all

2:52 AM  

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