Update from Google from our newsletter

The first and foremost update is: Suggestions in better targeting your Indic language site. It's all about a multi lingual site. Few words said by them: We'd like to introduce the transliteration API for Indic languages (languages spoken in India) in addition to our Ajax API for languages. With this API at your disposal, content creation is simplified because it not only helps integrating transliteration in your websites but also allows users visiting your site to type in Indic languages. This Post also tells how to include the translation API and they have said "When it comes to targeting, don't forget to add meta tags in your local language.

And for your questions, we have a new addition to our already existing communication channels like the webmaster help groups and webmaster tools (available in 26 languages!)". They also have their own official Orkut Webmaster Community where users can share their thoughts and discuss webmaster related issues. To do so one can sign up for the Orkut community and if any thoughts are there then it can be shared with them. On demand site map for Custom Search… It's all about the custom search. Webmasters who submit sitemap to webmaster tools always get a very special treatment. The customs Search identify the submitted sitemaps and indexes URLs from these site maps into a separate index for higher quality Custom search results. They interpret your CSEs pick up the appropriate sitemaps and they figure out which URLs are relevant for your search engines for enhanced indexing. This brings you a dual benefit of great discovery for Google.com and more comprehensive coverage in your own CSEs. Today they have put a step forward in improving your experience with Google Webmaster services with the launch of On-Demand Indexing in custom search. With the help of this you can tell them about the pages which are new or which are significant and have changed and custom search will immediately schedule them for crawl and index and serve them in your CSEs normally within 24 hours, often much speedy. Further this also gives important points to be bared in mind. Third update is a very interesting one...Its all about the SEO starter Guide. It covers around a dozen common areas that webmasters might consider optimizing. They felt that these areas would apply to webmasters of all experience levels and sites of all sizes and kinds.

All through the guide, they also worked in many instances, pitfalls to shun, and links to other resources that aid expand their explanation of the topics. They also plan on updating the guide at regular intervals with novel optimization suggestions and to keep the technical advice current. Spookier than malware… This update is all just fun. It's about their Halloween celebration by the Webmaster central team! Reflections on the "Tricks and Treats" webmaster event: It's about how did it go, what's next, a big thank you and few presentations by people of Google Groups. It was an exciting, fatiguing, and educational event. They're aware that the sound quality wasn't great for some folks, and they've also prized quite-helpful constructive criticisms in this feedback thread. Last but not least, they are bummed to admit that someone but forgot to hit the record button. In what's next well, for starters, all of us Webmaster Central Googlers will be spending fairly some time taking in our feedback. Some have requested sessions completely covering particular (pre-announced) topics or tailored to specific experience levels, and they've also heard from many webmasters outside of the U.S. who would love online events in other languages and at more suitable times. No promises, but you can bet we're eager to please! And next is a big thank you where they thank all the fellow Googlers. And finally end up with few presentations as said earlier by people of Google groups. Malware?? Don't need any stinking malware! This explains about a main sentence which we often find while browsing. "This Site May harm your Computer". All in all it explains in detail the meaning of malware label and how one does gets rid of it when it is found in their site by Google Scanners. It tells out all the points so clearly and also tells how to request a review via Google's Webmaster Tools.



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