Caffeine update datacenter goes offline:

Mattcutts in his recent post said caffeine is ready to go live. Most people are happy with the results in caffeine datacenter and it seems Google is making it live. They have already took down the test datacenter at
When i visit that URL i get this message:"Thank you! We appreciate all the feedback from people who searched on our Caffeine sandbox. Based on the success we've seen, we believe Caffeine is ready for a larger audience. Soon we will activate Caffeine more widely, beginning with one data center. This sandbox is no longer necessary and has been retired, but we appreciate the testing and positive input that webmasters and publishers have given."

Most of our sites and our client sites are doing exceptionally well in this particular datacenter and i am happy to see it go live. One particular client whom we have been doing work for about 2 years now is doing exceptionally well. I am sure he will be the happiest person to see his site do so well. I feel this update brings a lot of happiness among users.

Matt cutts says in his comments the delay for a full role out is because of the worry it will create on webmaster's mind. I was just stunned to see a response like that from a senior Googler. Because Google gave a damn for anyone's website. I can remember back in 2003 when we had the great infamous Florida update it make lots of webmaster cry and even lot who depended on Google went out of Business. People were yelling but Google never cared. Good to see Google care for webmasters a lot these days.



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