SEOs in twitter prosper

Twitter has become an excellent tool for SEOs. SEO had a wrong name with many social sites. Places like myspace, Orkut and even social bookmarking sites like digg hates SEOs. But nowadays there are many SEOs who use twitter the right way.

They have learned methods to use sites like twitter with lot of respect. I have seen some very good discussions in twitter between people in search engine industry. Some SEOs have 1000s of followers which itself is a very good sign for SEOs.
People are listing to the SEO guys and I have seen people like matt cutts, Adam lasnik follow some SEO guys. Matt cutts makes some interesting comments in his twitter account which is worth the read when you are in search engine industry.
He already has a whooping number of followers ( 45,000 ) .

Its incredible since there are so many people who are active in this search and SEO industry. Today the awareness of people about search engines is huge. Only good SEO companies and SEO guys survive in this ever increasing competitive industry.
Other people to look out for in twitter are Danny Sullivan, Jeremy Zawodny and lot more. I don't recommend you block anyone who wants to follow you unless you feel they are really spammy. I have seen people having 100s of followers before seeing anyone spamming them.
Most SEOs feel twitter is a great neighbourhood. Even Pageoneresults ( Edward ) has named it twitterhood. Great to see SEOs use a great platform in a constructive way.



Interesting post! I think Twitter and all the other social sites are great for SEO. They have really helped me in my search marketing local project. I will continue to use these types of social sites in my internet marketing en devours.

7:46 PM  

Looks like social-viral are quickly becoming one in the same and in many cases are being touted as an alternative to traditional SEO.

10:58 AM  
Blogger jack said...

The Internet Marketing Inc. team has decades of combined experience in search engine marketing and the Internet marketing industry as a whole, which allows the company to provide an unparalleled level of service.

4:19 AM  

Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Delicious are some of the buzz words today in social media industry. Setting up your business profile on these and similar websites are must for a starter.

2:19 AM  

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