aa SEO BLOG: 09/12/2004 - 09/19/2004
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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Traffic power News Traffic power the funny web traffic generator company

Traffic power as we all know is a company which is involved in search engine optimization, Their marketing tactics has always brought a lot of anger and frustration among companies, Their main targeted customers are innocent website owners and webmasters, Traffic power just calles them by phone and explains them about the nature of the SEO business and they give fancy offers to clients saying they will get very good ranking in major search engines, Many people have fallen for this type of marketing hype,

So everything was going on peaceful for traffic power when suddently fake struck them, Traffic power has been using a bannable technique to raise ranking for their clients, They create keyword rich pages and add a javascript mouse over redirect to that page, So when the users land on the page the main page loads in certain seconds, The users ignore the page they land on and concentrate on the page they are finally redirected,

This technique is not appreciatable by search engines, Google especially is very strict on these type of tactics, They are aggressive towards people who use these tactic and ban them if those SEO companies use it to manipulate their search results,

Traffic power has more than 2000 clients, 2000 clients for traffic power means lots of manipulation of google results, Google immediately woke up to this occasion and penalized many of traffic power's clients, This brought a lot of chaos among many of traffic powers clients and they started asking for money refund, Many many online SEO forums started bashing traffic power and their services, Penalty by google has brought a lot of loss for the Traffic power company, They had massive celebrations for their search engine success but now they must be suffering due to massive loss,

There are law suits filed against traffic power, Even The Best Business Bureau has posted more than 35 complaints sent by traffic power clients, Edward Lewis of SEO consultants has added specific section in his SEO consultants site to bash traffic power, Dont know what his motive behind that section probably he wants more business through traffic powers existing clients, But his service is really valuble and has saved many people for falling for traffic power's fake search engine optimization services,

In My opinion google did the right job by penalizing traffic powers clients, It will definetely teach traffic power company to change their tactic and stop spamming search engines, Google rarely penalize sites for any sort of spam but traffic power has really tested google's patience, SO in my opinion what google did against Traffic power if right,

So what does traffic power say about Online discussion SEO forums,

This is what they say in their FAQ page:

Are online discussion forums the best place to get your information?

No. Forums are not the best place to gain impartial information. Most forums are attached in some way to a marketing or SEO firm. This is not the best resource for getting an impartial view. There are some forums that are ethical and fair and allow all views to be heard. Most of these forums do not allow trashing of competitors or self promotion. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to distinguish the good from the bad.

This is what they say about Edward Lewis of SEO Consultants,

One of the biggest perpetrators of one sided scams is Edward Lewis. Mr. Lewis' SEO company, First Page Results, is a direct competitor of Traffic-Power selling ridiculously high priced search engine optimization and overpriced paid placement. He also secretly administers a one sided Website called SEO Consultants where he has orchestrating an extensive attack against Traffic Power. He is one of the most vocal users of the "one-sided forum" scam and specializes in trashing his direct competitors in forums all over the Internet. The reasons for his hatred of Traffic Power are clear. Traffic Power has been able to accomplish in four years what he was unable to do in eight, and that is dominate the SEO market by outperforming all other SEO companies in price and performance. Our rise has surely impacted the bottom line of our competitors, being that most of these companies are small one man operations and cannot compete with companies of our size and considerable resources. These fear tactics and smear campaigns should be an embarrassment to SEO professionals everywhere, but the truth of the matter is that these practices are widely used for marketing and lead generation by unscrupulous SEO companies. Mr. Lewis says that his SEO Consultants' smear campaign is organized by an anonymous "Consortium", but in the reality it is a desperate witch hunt organized by a threatened, small time, one man basement operation.

I personally dont have any hatred about Traffic power but I always wished search engines are never manipulated by any spammers, Search engines adds a lot of value to online non web savvy users, They are here to provide us an organized information on the net, So I wish all SEO/ Search Engine Optimization companies stick to search engine guide lines and make the search engines a great source of relevant information,

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Google New PageRank Checksum source code Algorithm Page rank check sum code cracked

Google recently changed their checksum code which retrives toolbar Pagerank from google's datacenter, Previously the checksum was cracked and released in public domain, due to this problem google changed their checksum generator code, They thought this code will be highly secure but it was cracked again by the same people who first cracked it and released it in public domain,

Sorry due to potential risk of making google angry we have removed the new checksum code from this page, Thanks for visiting, we cannot give the checksum code now, Checksum is available freely on the net. Do a google search,

Good day,

Sunday, September 12, 2004

New Google Bomb - Worst president search points to Bush Homepage,

There is a new google bomb out in the web, When you search google for the phrase ( Worst president ) President Bush's Biography page ranks No1.

Simlilarly it is same in Yahoo, Searching in Yahoo for that phrase reveals president Bush's bio page,

Google bomb is the method of ranking a page based on Anchor text pointing to that page, a website will be ranked higher if the sites that link to that page all use consistent text. For example if the word Google bomb is used both as a verb and a noun on the link text pointing to that page, that page will rank.

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