2 Non US government Pagerank 10 sites
As you might are already aware of we maintain only updated and comprehensive PageRank 10 list in internet today. PageRank is one of the important and most popular crazy among webmasters. Recently we scanned all country level government sites for any new PageRank 10 sites.
We found 1 that is already not in list ( http://english.gov.cn/ ) Chinese government website. After a lot of research we found only 2 country government sites that are Pagerank 10 apart from US government website ( USA.gov ) . They are english.gov.cn and india.gov.in . I wonder how from so many countries only 2 government websites have PageRank 10. Does it signifies something i cannot guess :-)
Labels: pagerank
Alexa and sub domain rankings;
Well here the question whether Alexa sees sub domain as a separate entity to rank it? In most cases no alexa rarely sees separate sub domains as a different entity. I have seen BlogSpot domains having Alexa rank of 500. The 500 is not for BlogSpot sub domain but the usage of blogspot.com itself.
A word from the official Alexa blog:
Alexa's traffic rankings are for top level domains only (e.g. domain.com). We do not provide separate rankings for subpages within a domain (e.g. domain.com/subpage.html) or sub domains (e.g. subdomain.domain.com) unless we are able to automatically identify them as personal home pages or blogs, like those hosted on Geocities and Tripod. If a site is identified as a personal home page or blog, its traffic ranking will have an asterisk (*) next to it: Personal Page Avg. Traffic Rank: 3,456*. Personal pages are ranked on the same scale as a regular domain, so a personal page ranked 3,456* is the 3,456th most popular page among Alexa users.
So they don't separate if the don't identify them automatically. They have such a dumb automated algorithm and it never detects proper sub domains. I feel Alexa need to improve their algorithm on working with sub domains because sub domains are actually different websites.
Labels: pagerank
Google ranks a page of a website?
I look at it like this. I have a site about widgets, 1,000 pages primarily aimed at widgets. Each page is about a particular aspect of widgets, green ones, round ones, making widgets, etc. A couple of my pages on that site are about an apparently disconnected subject, e.g. plankton. The reason that a couple of plankton pages are there is because they are the source of the material which is used to make widgets.
I have loads of these "disconnected" pages, all written well and in the same style as the base widget pages. But they don't rank for plankton. My guess is that Google can't connect plankton and widgets and therefore the plankton pages are considered as less value.
Labels: pagerank
Increase in traffic and rankings can cause manual review:
Search engines are very careful about the quality of their SERPs. We know from some internal knowledge that Google uses people to manually review their search engine results. Main flag areas are if a search engine detects big boost in backlinks from high pagerank websites then you can be sure to raise a red flag. A manual review is not always bad but again it depends on the reviewer. A reviewer sees in Google point of view and they are pretty strict on their guidelines even a site going little bit out of bound might raise questions in reviewers mind. We should be careful especially gaining lot of backlinks in short time since Google is always watching us.
Labels: pagerank
Does pagerank for a website affect crawling rate?
"I can't be more emphatic about the falseness of this emphasis on PageRank 4. It has to die. If you are going to get ahead you must walk away from this myth. It's a number that was arrived at in relation to backlink searches many years ago. The situation that gave rise to the myth went away, it ended, but the myth endured. I'll explain.
History lesson
Many years ago Google used to show the backlinks of sites with a PR of 4 or more. This caused webmasters to make the erroneous assumption that PR 4 is the threshold between a good ranking and a bad ranking, that Google did not count links from -PR4 sites. Otherwise, why didn't they show them in the backlink searches? It could be said to have been a reasonable assumption but at the time the Googlers were saying this wasn't the case.
To the webmasters, because Google didn't show links from sites with less than PR 4, they assumed that -PR4 meant you were crawled less, had less authority, etc. Over PR 4 meant your site had finally arrived.
Then during a London Pubcon DaveN suggested to Matt Cutts that this scheme was inaccurate and Matt Cutts agreed. Not long after he arrived back at the Googleplex their search engine began showing a sample of backlinks across a range of PR.
Stop and examine the facts
Anyone who has ever ranked a site with an under PR 4 site knows that the assumption that -PR 4 is less worthy is an assumption without foundation. Anyone who has watched their rankings jump with - PR4 backlinks understands that the PR 4 threshold is absolutely false.
The superstition continues
So even though Google began showing PR 4 backlinks, to this very day many webmasters still cling to the mistaken notion that PR 4 is a significant threshold. It is not. This belief in the superiority or meaningfulness of PageRank 4 meets the definition of superstition: "A belief in something not justified by reason or evidence." It's a myth. The healing powers of PR 4 is a superstition.
So what determines crawling?
What determines crawling is the amount of links you have. Each link is a new door, so to speak, for a bot to find you. One can have thousands and thousands of links and still rank under 4, yet be better and deeper crawled than a PR 4 with less inbound links."
Labels: pagerank
Why Google Ranking Drop
Most of the ranking drop are first manual and then move to an automated system. The most common cause for across the board ranking drop linking that seems manipulative or involves "bad neighborhood". Undetected servers are culprit these days which hack the cloaks for Googlebot.
Use of Iframe sometime triggers a penalty but that is Google's head ache because there is no such restriction of using Iframe unless the frame is legitimate. These ideas that I have listed are just the possibilities that could happen. If your site rank drops wait for few days before taking action. It may be Google bug which might get clear on its own. But try to a lot sometime to scrutinize your site for technical issues, undetected hacks and so on.
If you're ranking don't come back quickly then send a reconsideration request. In that case it is always good to have a few things to say about clean-up efforts you have made.
Labels: pagerank
Shortest list of Pagerank 10 sites in history of Pagerank
Only 2 sites to retain their Pagerank 10 is Google.com and USA.gov. Please check the above URL for sites which has pagerank 10 and the ones that lost their PageRank in latest PR Update.
Google Search
US Goverment website
We were expecting PR 6 but never got it. Hope we get it next time Pagerank is a good measure of the quality of the site and its healthy backlinks.
Labels: pagerank, pagerank update
Matt cutts announces pagerank update
A simple cartoon showing matt cutts announcing pagerank update July 2008.
Labels: pagerank, pagerank update
July 2008 Pagerank Update in Progress July 2008 current Pagerank Updated datacenter
You can check your pagerank using our pagerank checker tool we have set it up to query the updated datacenter:
Current updated datacenter is :
July 2008 current Pagerank Updated datacenter
I hope you have new pagerank for your sites. :-) enjoy our free tools and don't forget to link to it.
Labels: pagerank, pagerank update
New SEO tool to be released by us coming week.
Original pagerank formula:
or (''N'' = the number of documents in collection)
Labels: pagerank, pagerank update
Is TPR Penalty back - Google's Toolbar Pagerank Reduction Seem to be visible again
A member has reported Pagerank reduction to his website forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=862890 here.
If you see TPR affecting your site please post here. We are doing some research on this and would love to hear feedback from others. We want to see whether TPR penalty affects only sites that Buy and Sell links or it affects innocent sites caught up inbetween. We have seen some sites loose TB PR without any link selling or buying that is why we need to ASK.
Labels: Google, pagerank, penalty, Search Engine Optimization
tnx.net banned from Google
tnx.net is banned from Google for violating Google's guidelines. If you see their site tnx.net you can see they are selling text links without nofollow and selling Pagerank links which are against Google's guidelines. Their site is banned from Google obviously but to avoid looking like a banned site they blocked Googlebot from their site
their robots.txt ( tnx.net/robots.txt ) reads
Useragent: Googlebot
Disallow: /
Well they not only like to violate Google's guidelines they will also teach you how to hide links using their Spam tool,
The tool promotion page in Digital point forum reads
"Have you ever thought of WHY Google wants to scare you from buying links? Because it works great, when done with care, of course! In the previous thread "How to Rank N1 in Google for a Highly Competitive Keyword - Revealed" I spoke of some tips which will definitely help to stay away of Google's radars when buying links. Backlink building has to be done with great care - not to get penalized. 2 main points are: moderate link placement speed and a variety of link anchors to make links look natural. When over 100 new links pointing to one page appear in several days, all with same anchors (which is unnatural) - Google will most likely notice you and the pages you were promoting may disappear from SERPs for 1 month. This automated "too many links at once" filter is intended to keep you away from buying links, but it's very easy to avoid this filter! "
Already we know text-link-ads.com run by patrick gavin was banned now we have an other link broker under Google's radar go down.
If people think link brokers are the solution i recommend don't take that page. Instead find ways to improve your site and attract links.
Pagerank Update April 2008 Happening now,
Enjoy the pagerank update, Hope everyone are doing fine in this update.
Labels: pagerank, pagerank update
Pagerank Grey bar for pages of a website - why do we see it
1. New pages: When ever a new page is created i don't see a white PR bar anymore. Its grey PageRank display when ever there is a new page created. So as we know if Google has not assigned a PageRank it used to show white bar now its not the case any more we see Grey PageRank display for all new pages which is definitely new with Google.
2. Abandoned Pages: Pages which are not updated for a long time without any update are showing Grey bar i am seeing it across couple of our pages / websites. So probably it has something to do with abandoned pages.
3. Duplicate Pages: When a competitor or some spammer copies contents of that page and duplicates in his site pages the main page might loose its existing value and can display Grey bar. Seeing this substantially duplicate pages do have some reason for Grey Toolbar PageRank display.
4. Potentially penalty to those pages especially link exchange pages since I see more and more grey display in link exchange pages. This is just a speculation though penalty is the least reason I can imagine of since I see lot of grey PageRank pages rank in search engines.
5. A standard reason which has always been is that the communication between your toolbar and Google data center which delivers PageRank to toolbar is some how interrupted. Though this has been a reason given directly by Google employees still i wonder how one page can fetch PageRank from Google data center and other page cannot at the same time. This is a reason but very rare unless you see grey bar for all sites and pages you browse it cannot be justified.
6. Some people speculate Grey bar display has something to do with supplemental index. Google has been into controversy for a long time on supplemental pages debate. Pages in supplemental index never rank and some have seen grey PageRank pages also never rank so it could be a by product of supplemental results. Just an idea only.
7. Bad PR distribution for those pages from internal pages of your site. If those pages don't have good PR distribution then it could cause grey PageRank but for many sites i monitor those pages have ton of internal links. For Example our blog homepage has link from all over our site but shows grey PageRank display. We see this page is crawled regularly, contents from this page is indexed regularly but still it shows Grey PageRank very difficult to say this as a reason.
8. Lack of Good external links or consistent external links to a page: I seriously wonder whether this could be a reason. Most of the inner pages I have seen that shows grey bar has very less or zero external links from other sites coming into it. So i wonder whether this could be a reason for grey bar. PageRank algorithm probably sees that this page is important only for this site and is not a good page for Internet. I do have controversy over this too. Again our blog URL have good links coming to it from external sites but it displays grey bar don't know why. But recently our blog never got Good back links we seriously abandoned our blog for about a year and never posted any new information. So lack of consistent back links could be a reason for Grey PageRank display.
9. TPR ( Toolbar PageRank Reduction ) : Another reason i can speculate is the infamous Toolbar PageRank Reduction penalty which Google applied to sites which buy and sell text links. Is Grey PageRank bar a side effect of it?
My final opinion is if a page is more than a year indexed in Google and has a PR grey bar it could simply be that the page is not of best value for its users. So they dont assign pagerank for that page which might result in that page not passing pagerank to other pages in other words not contributing any link juice to the pages it links to.
Search Engine Genie
Labels: pagerank, pagerank update
Google Update reverts back - Dewey update no more visible
Most of the changes have reverted back and there are no visible signs of changes that happened on those datacenters propagating to other DCs.
Other cool thing is updates are not the hot topic anymore. People used to discuss 100s of pages for any major updates. When I see this dewey update thread i hardly see it go beyond 30 pages which is a good sign. People are becoming more and more aware of the changes and the communication between search engines and users have improved which has resulted in lesser worries for people.
While Google update mania is no more Pagerank Mania still continues.
False Pagerank update alarm has triggered 10 pages of posting in digital point forums
Labels: Google update, pagerank, pagerank update
Using nofollow on internal pages - Not a spam
Labels: pagerank
pagerank 10 link claim - fake claim in adwords advertisment

I dont think any of the above sites are willing to sell text link on their website, US government website, Department of energy, science foundation , white house, real player site, adobe all these guys done need to make money selling text links. So you figure out what these guys are upto,
Pagerank update – Is there an update going on in Google
Lots of sites depend on Google toolbar pagerank to judge the value of a link apart of other things like number of backlinks in yahoo and Alexa ranking. Google toolbar pagerank is a very important when it comes to buying or selling these days. A PR9 link goes for around 800$ a month which is a huge amount for a link. I am sure this industry is not flourishing anymore due to the introduction of TPR. TPR reduced text link advertising to atleast 40 to 60% I would say. It sent bubbles in link publisher's stomach and many advertisers who were selling links for their site or buying links to their site panicked and removed all of them to make sure they don't loose any further trust in Google.
I know being part of a SEO company that this TPR affected lot of sites that didn't buy links but inside I appreciate Google for taking strong efforts to protect their Algorithm from being manipulated through text link advertising. I have always said Text link advertising is for the rich and famous for competitive keywords and it should stop or real quality sites that don't buy anchor text links will not get the exposure in Google that they deserve.
Forum discussion in webmasterworld.
Labels: Google, pagerank, pagerank update