- Writing for the web
- Rewrite and review your content
- 10 Tips for writing a Blog
- Do you need to know the dictionary to write best c...
- Copyblogger on how to make money with free stuff
- Headlines play a vital role
- Increase traffic of real estate websites through a...
- Amazing strategies of SEO Copywriting
- FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$

While the technical issues and design of your site are clearly important, I'd suggest that you also be sure to devote copywriting resources as follows: |
posted by power @ 9:08 PM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
It seems like nowadays, anyone a computer and an internet connection can start a blog or website and slap together a few sentences to create "content". However, creating outstanding website content that surfers actually crave, bookmark, share with friends and print out to take to bed, requires planning and taking a series of careful steps. The steps for writing outstanding web content (some bloggers and webmasters refer to it as "flagship" or "staple" content) are: |
posted by power @ 9:55 AM permanent link | | 1 comments | |||
One of the things we don't seem to have much of these days is time. Everyone rushes everywhere and communication is compressed into new shorter forms like all of the text messages I receive, I still don't get all of the abbreviations. There is a danger that this short, fast communication is carried over into web sites we develop. All short, bulleted points lacking any grammar or sentence construction, and as I have said before search engines seem to like well-constructed grammatical sentences. However, there is another knock-on effect of shortening text and that is the effect it has on key words. I am not really talking about the meta tag keywords here, but the words in the text that the search engines find multiple times. This is often known as key word density i.e. what percentage of the text is taken up by a single word or multi-word phrase. Have you ever considered this in writing your own code? Have you thought yourself very clever, by managing to get 100 instances of your key word in one A4 page? Having your keywords and phrases sprinkled throughout the text is obviously good, but how can you ensure you don't overdo it. Well, one way is to spend time creating a more lengthy piece of well-written text. This will mean that although you still have lots of key words and phrases in there, their relative density is reduced because of the greater overall volume of text. Finally, just a word on meta tag keywords. The importance attached by search engines to keywords specified in the meta tag has greatly reduced due to the overuse of this feature. Many sites I have seen have tried to use the same keywords over and over again. Our advice is to choose these words carefully and use maybe 4 or 5, but don't go over board. Then try and use them throughout the actual page text, but without forcing the density. After all, if they really are your key words, then using them in the text should come naturally.
posted by power @ 10:11 PM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Keyword density Keyword density is a measure of how many times your targeted keyword or keyphrase is being used in the content of your web page. By repeating your important keyword, your increase the prominence of those words to the search engines. This will help the search engines to identify your target keyword and rank the web page accordingly. However, there is a penalty if you keyword stuff or use the same keyword too many times in an unnatural way. Repeating identical keywords or phrases for more than 3 times in the body of the the page may actually damage than good as far as the search engine algorithm is concerned.
Instead, use words with similar meaning - just like when you write naturally. Search engines are smart enough to recognise words with similar meaning and variations such as man, men, male, boy, boys, masculine and etc. In each page, focus on one or two keywords but not more than three keywords so that it is apparent to the search engine what your page is about. Keyword Positioning As much as possible, use the keyword or keyphrase in the heading of the page, in the first sentence of the first paragraph and near the bottom of the page. As a rule of thumb, your most important keywords - the exact phrase should not be repeated for more than 2% of the total word count. If you have a 500 words page, keep the keywords count to less than 10 times. |
posted by power @ 9:23 AM permanent link | | 1 comments | |||
Copywriting is essentially the art of persuasion, and it's vital to your business success. Although copywriting is usually though of in terms of advertising, it can be used successfully in any form of communication, from speeches to classified ads. In this article, let's look at how you can use your copywriting skills to maximize your results with resumes and bios. The resume and biography is a perennial business tool, used by everyone from the lowliest intern to CEOs with million-dollar paychecks. Using copywriters' skills on your bios ensures that they get attention. Copywriting Creates Out-standing Resumes and Bios "Who are you?" - this is the question you're asked, directly or indirectly, by everyone with whom you want to do business. That question is answered with a resume and bio. Resumes are primarily used for job hunting, but bios are used everywhere, from your Web site to your press releases and email signatures. Although resumes are standardized, meaning they cover the information in a specific format, bios are free form. You can also target bios narrowly to a specific audience, so that you get exactly the response you want. Big tip: a bio is not your autobiography. A bio is always short, and it's written in the third person singular, like this: "Outstanding athlete John Smith... "; not in the first person singular "I'm an outstanding athlete..." |
posted by power @ 7:59 PM permanent link | | 1 comments | |||
Whether you're writing a memo, a letter, an article or a full-length book, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind that will help your message first to be read and then to be better understood and accepted.
1. Never Be Boring Your reader will forgive almost anything except you being boring. Your reader doesn't have to agree with you, but he or she should at least be intrigued. Make the reader care. Don't be afraid to be "edgy." Look at every sentence and ask yourself, "Why will the reader care about this?" 2. Write in Short Sentences The reader shouldn't have to work hard to understand what you're saying. If he or she has to go back over a sentence because of poor structure it's not his or her fault, it's yours. Read what you've written aloud or have someone else read it aloud to look for sentences that are too long or convoluted. 3. Write to the Reader Use "you" often. Look for ways to eliminate or reduce "I" and "me." Present tense, second person is always best. It feels more to readers like you're talking to them. 4. Go Active Use active verbs as much as possible. They're more engaging. They move the reader along and take fewer words to get your message across. "John loves Mary" is much more powerful than "Mary is loved by John." 5. Keep it Simple The front page of The Wall Street Journal and all of USA Today is written for the eighth grade reading level. Why should we be any different? People aren't interested in things they don't understand. Make your points quickly and succinctly. Make your words work and use as few of them as possible. Use the right word, not just to show off your vocabulary (or your new thesaurus), but to convey your message clearly. |
posted by power @ 7:39 AM permanent link | | 3 comments | |||
Having a good website is not a guarantee that people will visit your website. One of the primary reasons why your website will not be noticed is because nobody can find it in the first place.
Note that there are about 80 million websites that people who go online to shop will not really find your site unless it is ranked among the top ten search results. In most cases, people who are reaching for something will not really go to the next page of the search result so there is a slim chance for you to be noticed if you do not make it to the first page of the search result. Use Powerful Triggers People who search for something online use keywords and key phrases to find what they want. In most cases, the keywords and key phrases used in the search are those words that are closely related to their field of interest. To drive traffic to your website, you should put SEO articles in your website using powerful triggers that could put your website on the top search results. To be able to write good SEO articles, you should learn the language of your trade well. When writing your article, use keywords and key phrases that would most likely be used by people who are looking for products and services in your area of expertise. The placement of the keywords and the key phrases in your article is very important. It is not enough that you put in the keywords and key phrases; you should also make sure that everything make sense so that the search engine will pick up your article and rank you higher than the others. When placing keywords or key phrases in your article, use these words on the title of your article and then use the same keywords a few more times on the body of the article. |
posted by power @ 2:41 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Many business owners and marketing professionals have valid concerns about letting an outsider develop their content. After all - it's your business, you know it best, and your image is critical. However, you're wrapped up in your business every day. A good copywriter can see your business in a new light, draw out the key benefits of your products and services, and communicate that excitement to your clients and prospects. Working with a writer isn't a complicated ordeal, however it will benefit you tremendously to become familiar with how the relationship typically works and ways to help the process move along smoothly. So, here are my top 2 tips on how to choose and work with a copywriter: 1. Understand your mission beforehand. 2. Develop a realistic schedule. Most writers will request a few weeks to develop your copy, so set a realistic schedule to give the creative process ample time. Count on going through one or two revisions as your writer refines the piece's angle and conveys the key benefits of what you're promoting. |
posted by power @ 8:32 PM permanent link | | 1 comments | |||
You must almost certainly know that the technique your website SEO copy is written controls the entire search engine optimization procedure and prospect ranking of the website. Precisely written and optimized SEO copy plays important role in by and large search engine placement as the superior content is tailored to search engines algorithms, the advanced it would be ranked by all chief search engines.
Make use of phrases This advice goes especially for web writers, because there is much of competition for single keywords. If you are a product seller for "Mobiles" don't just target "Mobiles" as your fundamental keyword. Go to major search engines and search for Mobiles, you will see that people are becoming more search-savvy and are search for specific strings. Today people know that by becoming more specific about what they are looking for can actually get them what they want. Know what is unique about your product, may be you are expert in selling second hand mobile phones then make "second hand mobile phones" as your primary keyword. Don't simply say "our mobiles". Wherever you could usually say "our mobiles", ask yourself if you could escape with saying "our cheap second hand mobiles" or "our cheap second hand cell phones". If it would not affect your readability too poorly, may be it's worth going for. It's a great balance though. Keep in mind, your website imitates the excellence of your own service. If your website is unreadable, people would deduce a lot about your offered service. |
posted by power @ 1:47 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||

- Writing for the web
- Rewrite and review your content
- 10 Tips for writing a Blog
- Do you need to know the dictionary to write best c...
- Copyblogger on how to make money with free stuff
- Headlines play a vital role
- Increase traffic of real estate websites through a...
- Amazing strategies of SEO Copywriting
- FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$

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