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PPC and affiliate programs:, Monday, June 15, 2009

If you run a good blog or website there are ways you can write your way to good advertising. Advertising doesn't stop with AdSense or other contextual advertising. You can actually use affiliate programs as an effective way to get paid. There are lots of affiliate programs in internet that pays out very decently.

If it's not an external affiliate program you can set up your own commissioning program with clickbank. If you have well writing skills you can go a long way in marketing your affiliate products. Affiliate products are same like retailing or reselling. If you buy bulk from a merchant and send it on retail then it's definitely not wrong. Affiliate works the same way. There are some good product site owners who provide quality buttons and banners that you can add in your sales copy or the articles you promote.

Good place to start is click bank one of the most renounced programs. We have commission junction in look which also gives good returns. We have Amazon who used to pay its affiliates handsomely. They still do it just sign up with Amazon and I am sure you can get good Business from them. If you write well then i am sure you can learn the art of marketing online and make good money out of it. We run blogs they pay us handsomely just by running AdSense or affiliate programs. But remember don't ever cross the limit most of the search engines including Google don't like excessive affiliate links on a page. So stay in your limit concentrate more on content and quality and the money will flow automatically.

The fastest way to make money selling affiliate products is to think about the forums, lists, and discussion groups you already belong to. What are the questions being asked? Is there a problem that people need a solution for? What are the hot topics?

Content is king and will always be that way. So remember if you can write content you can do a great job.


  posted by seg @ 4:26 AM permanent link   |

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