- Writing for the web
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- Do you need to know the dictionary to write best c...
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SEO press release is a way to deliver series of new events taking place within your company. But SEO press release should be written in such a way that it will rank well in search engines for your keywords and your website will get important backlinks that can increase your position in search engine rankings.
The title of the press release often becomes the title tag. The title of the press release is going to be in big bold letters on the search term.
Step 5: Write press release: Press release has a flavor, style that differs from other types of published media. We can talk about,
Many clients think they don't have anything newsworthy to talk about. But if you go through the site properly, you can get great topics. You can just write about the things that are happening in your business or on your blog that can be considered newsworthy.
Nowadays, press release can be published on the web, and viewed by the end user. Always write a press release from a third person perspective. Press release should be very objective.
Go through these points before writing a press release for your site. |
posted by search engine genie @ 10:13 PM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Distinctive Blog post:
Write posts that are controversial which can create debate and encourage visitors to comment and voice their opinion on your blog. It would be much better if you can describe your statement with certain facts and evidence. Try asking questions in your posts: Ask questions in your post while will enable readers to think and they may reply with some answers. Comment on other blogs: Find related blogs in your industry, read their posts and give meaningful comments that may add value. Commenting on others blogs is one of the best networking methods. Comment on other blogs or forums along with your link: Do comment on other blogs or forums along with your link and explain why your post is important. By adding link along with the comment, many people will click to your blog and give honest feedback through comments. Comment exchanges: By exchanging comments with other people in your industry, both parties benefit. Comment contests: You can tell people that if they comment on your post they may win great prizes. Many people will participate just to win the contest. Fake comments: This is not the write way to promote a blog. But if you're desperate, fake comments may portray that your blog is active and alive. |
posted by search engine genie @ 3:35 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
While writing content for website, carefully choose your words and keywords as it will determine your web page's rankings on search engines and pull visitors to your site. Once visitors visit your site, how do you ensure you make a sale? By choosing, right set of words. Words make the sale What are these words? Credible words: If you visit various sites they will have words that are overstatements or exaggerated claims. Some words like killer apps, incredible results, never before, world famous, extraordinary features and a lot more words which are followed with several exclamation marks!!! Limit yourself to single exclamation mark where it is required. While adding these words make sure that you have documented evidence, otherwise visitors will feel the claims are untrue. How can they trust you with their money? Simple words: Use information-rich words, quality words, yet easy to understand words. Powerful words: Always use keyword rich and targeted words, so that right people could visit your site. This is very important when you're writing descriptions and ads to promote your site, writing headlines and subheads. Documented words: Use client testimonials to assure people that you deliver on your promises. Quotes from experts in the field you are writing about, add weight to your statements. Persuasive words: Your content should be written in such a way that you sell a product or service. Web is a virtual showroom, where you don't have the advantage of using body language like energetic gestures, smiles that can draw your attention. The words should be in such a way that will persuade visitors to stay, take a tour, look at the services you provide, read customer testimonials etc. Labels: Words that can make a sale |
posted by search engine genie @ 11:09 PM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
While writing content for website, carefully choose your words and keywords as it will determine your web page's rankings on search engines and pull visitors to your site. Once visitors visit your site, how do you ensure you make a sale? By choosing, right set of words. Words make the sale What are these words? Credible words: If you visit various sites they will have words that are overstatements or exaggerated claims. Some words like killer apps, incredible results, never before, world famous, extraordinary features and a lot more words which are followed with several exclamation marks!!! Limit yourself to single exclamation mark where it is required. While adding these words make sure that you have documented evidence, otherwise visitors will feel the claims are untrue. How can they trust you with their money? Simple words: Use information-rich words, quality words, yet easy to understand words. Powerful words: Always use keyword rich and targeted words, so that right people could visit your site. This is very important when you're writing descriptions and ads to promote your site, writing headlines and subheads. Documented words: Use client testimonials to assure people that you deliver on your promises. Quotes from experts in the field you are writing about, add weight to your statements. Persuasive words: Your content should be written in such a way that you sell a product or service. Web is a virtual showroom, where you don't have the advantage of using body language like energetic gestures, smiles that can draw your attention. The words should be in such a way that will persuade visitors to stay, take a tour, look at the services you provide, read customer testimonials etc. Labels: Words that can make a sale |
posted by search engine genie @ 11:09 PM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||

- Writing for the web
- Rewrite and review your content
- 10 Tips for writing a Blog
- Do you need to know the dictionary to write best c...
- Copyblogger on how to make money with free stuff
- Headlines play a vital role
- Increase traffic of real estate websites through a...
- Amazing strategies of SEO Copywriting
- FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$

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