- Writing for the web
- Rewrite and review your content
- 10 Tips for writing a Blog
- Do you need to know the dictionary to write best c...
- Copyblogger on how to make money with free stuff
- Headlines play a vital role
- Increase traffic of real estate websites through a...
- Amazing strategies of SEO Copywriting
- FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$

Web writing comes with a purpose. It can be either marketing or propagating ideas. Be it whatever, your aim would be to make the readers read your content. By taking care of a few things, you can make your contents attractive.
Keep your words simple and concis The basic characteristic of web writing is its simplicity. Unlike any other media, the web is known for its fast pace and purpose orientation. In web writing, the words are usually meant to sell. So if you want the readers to read the content and achieve the purpose, your words should be simple and easy to understand. Jargons and pompous words would irritate the readers. We know it very well that people are not going to open a dictionary and search the meaning of each flowery word. So keep the words simple and easy to comprehend. Understand your readers As in any other media, a clear understanding of the readers is needed in web writing too. Unless you know your readers, you can't influence them. Your words should be aimed at the readers or potential customers i.e. if you are selling something. Moreover, you cannot just keep on writing about a thing. Your sentences should be properly aimed so that it gives a solution or answer to what the readers are seeking. Utilize the possibilities There are many benefits in web writing than traditional writing methods. Hyperlinks (the links that lead you from one page to other) are the main attractive feature of web writing. Since you can give more information using hyperlinks, you must make proper use of it. But remember not to over crowd hyperlinks in a single page. Make it easy to read While the readers read your content, they must get a clear understanding of the topic. For achieving this, try to incorporate minimum words that would make the reading easy. It would be good if you can separate each topic using sub heads. Illustrations to an extent would be interesting. But never confuse the readers with so many graphics and pictures. Always remember that writing provides more authenticity than illustrations. Last but not the least, your expressions and sentence formation should also be given proper consideration. You don't want to create a negative impression by making spelling or grammatical errors in your content. It would be better to do a thorough spell/ grammar check before submitting your content. And never be rude to your readers or impose any idea on them forcibly. Try influencing not imposing. |
posted by street talk @ 4:41 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Writing content is just one part of the many things you need to do when you write copies. I have seen many people don't even read what they have written. Is it because the contents are so bad or just lazy to review what they wrote before posting it in a blog or website. So what happens when you don't read your content before posting them. Labels: creative writing |
posted by Search Engine Genie @ 11:33 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Two important tips for writing a Blog are compelling content and frequent updates. Below are a few ideas that you can use while writing a blog. 1. Lists: People love to read about list, just any kind of list as it can increase traffic of your blog. Some examples are Top 10 lists, 3 reasons I love something etc. Start your heading from number. 2. How to To accomplish a task many people would like to find easy-to-follow instructions. For example: How to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito etc. 3. Write about Reviews: Write a review about anything on your blog. Some of the suggestions are:
Try to share your experience and thoughts.
4. Photo: Try to post a photo based on your topic. 5. Tips: Write about tips so that readers can achieve something faster or cheaper way. 6. Recommendations: Try to share your recommendations about the websites, books, movies or other favorite topic on your blog. 7. Contests: Blog contetsts can increase traffic in your blog and enable visitors to leave comments. 8. Videos: Put a video from YouTube or one of your own, or host a video blog. 9. Guest Posts: Ask other bloggers or experts in a field related to your blog topic to write a guest post. 10. Polls: Register with a site like PollDaddy.com then publish a poll related to your blog topic in one of your blog posts. |
posted by search engine genie @ 2:43 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Well I am just using slang here. Obviously we don’t need to know the full dictionary to become a great copywriter. But there has been some misconception that the more words you know and the more different types of synonyms you use better copywriter you are. Well I wouldn’t disagree with that more. I feel most of the time people like to read what they speak. When I go through a website and if its using too much advanced words that are not used in standard speaking language I will not waste too much time there. It’s simply because I don’t want to go to a website that has too much complicated words which I need to refer a dictionary to understand. Research has determined the average time a person spends on a new website he visits is just 20 seconds. So you just have 20 seconds of time to keep your visitors to your website. If you are using high words and if the person finds it difficult to understand your copy then you are doomed. You will loose a lot of potential visitors / buyers. So I recommend don’t spend too much time on reading dictionary and identifying new words. If you know some words make sure you use it the best way possible. Make sure you use good grammar. Grammar plays an important role when it comes to quality of a webpage / web copy. Labels: SEO copywriting |
posted by Search Engine Genie @ 10:23 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Copyblogger has an interesting article on how to make things work when you offer free stuff. Offer free stuff on your website is a great promotion method. It gives people a reason to visit your website and also a reason to repeat visiting your site. Labels: copywritng |
posted by Search Engine Genie @ 10:23 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
In any marketing piece, headline should be given utmost importance. Creating a headline swipe file makes good sense. What a good headline is supposed to achieve?
In most of the advertising materials you'll see that their are several sub-headlines in the copy. Make sure that sub-headlines fit the parameters above. Some ideas as how to start a headline
By using these headlines you can create great article and advertising headlines. These are just a few examples. If you have more interesting headlines let us know. Labels: SEO copywriting |
posted by search engine genie @ 5:37 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Real estate investors can increase traffic of their website through article marketing. Article marketing is extremely powerful and can give you following advantages:
There are endless advantages of article marketing. If you write a short 300 word article and then post it on an article website you can get various benefits. If you write a real estate article, then within hours your website and name can be seen on the first page for your keyword phase. Write articles based on your area of expertise. For instance, if you know about foreclosure niche, then write articles on foreclosure subject, how people can save their house from foreclosure etc. Always write an article in conversational manner. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct. Remember few points before writing an article:
There are hundreds of article directories but the most important ones for real estate business are ezinearticles.com, goarticles.com, articlebase.com, articlealley.com and webpronews.com. |
posted by search engine genie @ 11:19 PM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||
Quality copywriting is critical to successful SEO. If you want your blog or website to be successful you need to improve your writing or die trying. There are some tried and try rules of writing for SEO.
posted by search engine genie @ 1:38 AM permanent link | | 0 comments | |||

- Writing for the web
- Rewrite and review your content
- 10 Tips for writing a Blog
- Do you need to know the dictionary to write best c...
- Copyblogger on how to make money with free stuff
- Headlines play a vital role
- Increase traffic of real estate websites through a...
- Amazing strategies of SEO Copywriting
- FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$

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