About NexTag Shopping

It is not just any another price comparison website. When it first started, buyers and sellers could actually negotiate the prices for a certain product and come up with a best deal that creates a win-win situation for both the parties. More like bargaining in other words. However, initially you could find only products that belonged to the categories computers and electronics. The current model that focuses on comparison shopping originated back in 2000. Following that year, in 2007 Providence Equity partners purchased two thirds majority of the company and ever since it is known as a very ambitious company that becoming popular quite drastically. It was ranked as one of the 50 best websites online for the year 2008 by Time Magazine. It is considered to be a fast growing company by Deloitte, San Francisco Business Times, and Silicon Valley Business Journal. Now, the site helps online shoppers/visitors to compare products based on price and various other factors related to the product, travel, financial services, automobiles, education and many more. As of June 2010, according to latest surveys NexTag holds 18.2% of the market shares of comparison shopping engines and it serves more than 17 million online shoppers every month.


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Essentially, NexTag is one among the successful comparison shopping engines online today. Launched in 1999, it was the first retailer who provided “True Price Comparison” features, a final price for the product which included tax and shipping costs. The company has been quite successful and ever growing since and now it is expanding its services to m-commerce as well providing applications and services to various mobile phones including Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, and Android as well.


Benefits of NexTag for merchants :

Owing to the fact that NexTag allures over 17 million online shoppers every month, by advertising your business products and services in NexTag, you can :
  1. Improve the traffic for your official website which helps in its own development which is essentially for improving your business and profits.

  2. It increases the visibility of your products and services in the online market.

  3. Third party ratings and reviews can seriously help in the merchant credibility across several channels which are very essential for developing a reputation and becoming popular or recognizable around the world.
Benefits of NexTag for Shoppers :

As an online shopper you do understand that most price comparison sites provide the services only for products and not for services. NexTag on the other hand provides price comparison services to even educational factors, travel factors and others services as well :

You can be benefitted by several degrees by shopping at NexTag. These benefits are mentioned further below.
  1. The site sort’s products by type, color, style, brand, material, seller, deals and date added to the site.

  2. It helps you to gather details and compare prices by products, degrees and travel.

  3. This comparison facilities and services are also applied to mobile phones which substantiates m-commerce.

  4. Helps you to find relevant deals and coupons.

  5. Allows you to discover when prices are lowered with the “price drop tab.

  6. It allows you to gather sufficient details for decision making when it comes to purchase and post reviews about respective merchants as well.
What you can achieve with ease with NexTag :
  1. Shop with more flexibility with the site’s new scrolling bar.

  2. Snap a photo or image of what you want and NexTag will find it for you.

  3. Scan any barcode to find lowest prices or better deals within seconds.

  4. Make use of Radar to receive product updates and alerts.

  5. Instantaneously gather details regarding tax and shipping details concerning variety of products.

  6. Gather product details and reviews in search results.

  7. Sorting your search results efficiently and quickly based on price, rating, date or popularity.


The package lists the products based on its item type rather than the manufacturer or model type. This serves to be a great marketing tool if your product is quite unique from that of your competitor’s product. Search Engine Genie certainly makes it a unique shopping experience and business experience. contact Search Engine Genie at webpromotions@gmail.com or Submit our Shopping Feed Request Quote We do your job easily and efficiently giving you a greater performance and professional experience.



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