People often like to take photos while they enjoying in rain, but they failed to take photos. Here we have a solution for this by using Photoshop. Let see the steps involved in this effects.
1. Open a new document (File -> New or CTRL+N) with the respective size of your photo.
I took 432 x 324 for my photo.
2. Paste the picture in your document or open it by giving File -> open.
3. Create a new layer by pressing ctrl+shift+N. See the right side of the below image.
Set your foreground to black color and background to white or press D. Fill it with black color by paint bucket tool or press alt + backspace.
4. Now select Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise.
Set the amount to 150% and check uniform Distribution and Monochromatic.
5. Now add Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur to the same Layer.
6. Create a new layer as like before but check mark the use previous layer to create clipping mask.
After this click the icon which I marked below and select levels.
Then select layer 2 and apply Motion blur.
Set Angle to 60 and Distance to 50 px.
Again select level and RGB to your requirement.
The road part looks dry. So select road alone and apply Photocopy effect by filter -> Sketch -> Photocopy.
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