Category: Illustrators

  • How to create photo frame border

    Step:1 Draw a rectangle with no fill and have a stroke of 16pt and choose a border which you want. Step:2 Make a copy of the rectangular border.Then place a image in this document.Now Place the rectangle border in front and image at the bottom. Go to object -> clipping…

  • Drawing Realistic ice Cubes

    Lineart Make interesting composition and forms with liners   Gradient Fill your object with base colour (dominant colour). and gradient (from light to dark), and lock your layer (transparent pixels)   Light You need to decide on a light source   Shadow Add more depth to your object with shadows…

  • Light Bulb Vector Using Illustrator

    Final Preview: Step-1 Draw a bulb shape and fill with yellow color. Step-2 Draw a below like arc at the two edges of the bulb sides and fill it with white and yellow gradient (radial). Step-3 Create a circle fills it with white and yellow radial gradient. Step-4 To give…

  • Match Stick Flaming Using Illustrator

    Final Preview Step-1 Open a new document in illustrator. Draw a rectangle fill with linear gradient in the combination of #a93f23 and f0cc87. Step-2 Duplicate the rectangle and reduce the height alone. Step-3 Select both rectangle and go to Object –>Blend –>  Blend Options. Give spacing as Specified steps and…

  • 3D Art Map Using Illustrator

    Final Preview: Step-1 Open a new document in Illustrator. Step-2 Create a RECTANGLE BOX and fill gradient in the combination of Gray and White. Step-3 Then imports designs which you required to wrap around the 3d globe. Step-4 Go to WINDOW –> SYMBOLS. Symbol panel will appear. Drag those designs…

  • Create an Upholstery Pattern Using Illustrator

    Final preview: Step-1 Draw a rectangle in an illustrator document and fill gray like color. Step-2 Go to Object > Create Gradient Mesh and give the number of rows and columns you required. Step-3 Select the nodes of the mesh in checker wise direction using direct selection tool. Step-4 Change…

  • Illustrator Ferocious Girl Vector

    Final Preview: Step-1 Open a new document in illustrator and draw a face outline as like below using pen tool. Step-2 Then draws eyes and nose outline. Step-3 Lip is the main thing inside the face. Here I applied mesh gradient. First draw lip shape using pen tool with color…

  • Create Mobile using Illustrator

    Final Preview: Step-1 Open a new document in illustrator. Step-2 Draw a rounded rectangle in the size of 230X460 without filling color that (i.e. only stroke). Step-3 Now apply extrude and bevel by go to Effect –> 3D –> Extrude & Bevel as like below ratios then give Effect –>…

  • Create Magazine using illustrator

    First see the final preview of illustrator image. 1. Open a new document in illustrator. Size of the document is not a matter. 2. I am going to start form background. So pick the color (#f9e1e7) of your background and draw the rectangle box of maximum size which you want.…

  • Create a Vector Goldfish

    Step 1 Draw the goldfish and scan the drawing. Now open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document (Command + N) at 600 px by 600 px. place in an image in the document by going to File > Place, then bar the layer with the scanned image of the…