Category: Photoshop
Glitch Effect In Photoshop
Glitch Effect Step:1 To insert image in the workspace click file->select open and select the image Step:2 Double click the background layer and rename it as photo 1 Step:3 Create a new layer and click on to paint bucket tool and select white color. Step:4 Name that layer as background…
Double Color Exposure Effect In Photoshop
Double Color Exposure Effect Step:1 Create a new file Step:2 Open 2 images which you want to edit Step:3 To apply the effect double click on the layer 3 Step:4 Layer style box will open Step:5 In the blending option if i checking the ‘R’ will give you the red…
Create an Animated Interface GIF – Photoshop
Step:1 Open a document of width 640 pixels and height 1136 pixels.Create a phone UI according to our needs. Draw a Circle with stroke 3pt. Open the timeline panel and make a new frame. Step:2 Create a rectangle shaped image and fill with color and add text to it.Create…
Double exposure effect in Photoshop
Step:1 Open the Photo document in Photoshop. Go to channels .In Channels make a Copy of the blue layer by Pressing Ctrl+j Step:2 By Keeping in blue layer Go to adjustments-> levels and make the adjustments.Then make the black color as foreground and use the brush tool to color the…
Painterly glow effect using Photoshop
Step:1 Open the Photo document in Photoshop.Make a copy of the background layer.Then Convert it to smart filter. Go to Filter-> Convert to smart filter.Then add a motion blur filter. Go to blur -> Motion blur -> angle-90 and distance -45o. Step:2 Convert the blending modes from normal to hard…
Weather effect using Photoshop
Step:1 Open the document in Photoshop and place the photo in that document. Add a blank layer above this background layer. Step:2 Go to edit-> Fill-> black color. Then go to Filter -> Noise -> Add noise -> amount ->25 and make the distribution as Gaussian. Step:3 Now we want…
Turning a Photo in to Pop-art effect
Step1: Open the document in Photoshop.Go to Image -> Mode -> RGB color to Lab Color. Step:2 Go to Channels -> a channel and go to image -> adjustments -> Posterize. The Posterize value will be 4. Step:3 Go to b channel -> Image -> adjustments -> Posterize…