Category: Photoshop
Shooting the Missiles Using Action Script on Flash 3.0
Step 1: Open a new document in flash. Set the stage color as black. Step 2: Choose Window > Properties from the main menu bar to open the PROPERTIES panel. Step 3: Expand the Properties section in the panel and choose the Edit button to enlarge the Document Settings window.…
Shake Effect on Action Script Using Flash 3.0
Step 1: Open a new flash file. Choose Window > Properties from the main menu bar to open the PROPERTIES panel. Step 2: Expand the Properties section in the panel and choose the Edit button to enlarge the Document Settings window. Next, set the width to 550 pixels and height…
Various Color changing on Single Object Using Flash 3.0
Step 1: Open a new flash file. Choose Window > Properties from the main menu bar to open the PROPERTIES panel. Step 2: Expand the Properties section in the panel and choose the Edit button to enlarge the Document Settings window. Next, set the width to 500 pixels and height…
Lightening And Masking Techniques Using Flash
Step 1: open a new flash file. Set the width to 500 pixels and height to 300 pixels. Choose window -> properties from main menu bar, the properties panel is displayed. Step 2: choose the Edit button under the properties tab to display the document settings window. Set the width…
Makeup of Pot Paint Dancers using Photoshop
Final Preview: Step-1 Open a new document in Photoshop. Set background color as black. Use 300 size radius sponge brush and set grey as foreground color then click at the center of the document to bring the below effect. Step-2 Like above uses the 300 size radius sponge brush, click…
how to use water color in photoshop cs5
Step 1 Open Photoshop and create a new document, I’m using 1920×1200 pixels. Step 2 Add a new layer, fill it with white then make sure you have black and white for the foreground and background colors. Then go to Filter>Texture>Texturizer. Use Canvas for the Texture, 75% for the Scaling,…
Poster from the words in photoshop cs5
First we are going to create a new document in Photoshop with 1000×1000 pixels with all the default settings. Fill the background layer with black color. Step 2 Select Horizontal Type Tool and place any text (white color, caps on) filling all background as you can see below. Only use…
Photoshop CS5: How to Create Actions
Recording an action in Photoshop CS5 is incredibly simple. Simply open up the “Actions” palette and hit the new action button seen in the image below. This should pop open a new window containing various options for the action. Here you can name the action and place it in a…
Rock pattern text with floral design using Photoshop
Final Preview: Step-1 open a new document in Illustrator, type the required text and go to Effect –> 3D –> Extrude & Bevel to get 3d text effect. Step-2 Copy and paste that 3D text in Photoshop. Step-3 Now go to Image –> Adjustments –> Level and give the below…