Category: Photoshop

  • Animated Walking Human

    1. Create new document, size 400 x 600 px. 2. Create new Guide like this 3. Use pen draw this path, name that “Layer 1” 4. Draw again, name that “Layer 2” Layer 01 Layer 02 Layer 03   Layer 04 Layer 05 Layer 06 Layer 07 Layer 08 Layer…

  • Raining Effect using Photoshop

    People often like to take photos while they enjoying in rain, but they failed to take photos. Here we have a solution for this by using Photoshop. Let see the steps involved in this effects. 1. Open a new document (File -> New or CTRL+N) with the respective size of…

  • Photo Manipulation

    1. Here’s the starting photo. A church in my neighborhood, surrounded by lush trees. 2. I’ve created a Set with the original photo called ‘autumn’. I then duplicated it and positioned the copy version below the original in the layer stack. Next, right-click on the original photo layer and choose…

  • Flaming text effect

    So let’s start with a new document of 3300 px width and 2336 px height at 300 resolutions. I created large document because I wanted to print it on A4 size. Press U and select rectangle tool and create a rectangle of document size and apply gradient overlay with colors…

  • Beautiful Fantasy Eyes

    Today we shall explore the basics on how we can create Fantasy Eyes effects in Photo shop. Now Download the image and open up in Photo shop. Let us start off with glowing the eyes. Make selections around the 2 black eyes with the Elliptical Marquee tool. Go to Select…

  • Realistic View Tears on Face

    In this Photoshop tutorial I would like to invite your attention to the unique technique how to make realistic view tears effect. So, in the beginning you should find a good picture to work with. You can try to find it on stock photo web sites or also can use…

  • Papercraft Text Effect

    Go to FILE > NEW… and create a new 600px 200px document with a white background. Check the image below if you are unsure about the settings. Now let´s create the gradient for the background. In actuality, this is the gradient that we will be using for the text effect.…

  • Photoshop circle Twist Effects

    Let’s create a new file (File>New) of 1920×1200px/72 dpi. Using the Paint Bucket Tool (G),give the new background layer black color. On a new layer (Create new layer) we’ll apply a standard brush to represent a spot on the central part of the picture. The brush’s color is #007EC7 Select…

  • Very Cool Folded TeXt Effect

    So the first thing we are going to do is to open a new file in Photoshop, this one is 1200 x 400 pixels, write down contempotech using big fonts, you can use any font of your choice. Now that we have the type we are going to start working…