Category: Whats Trending
Wedding Couples in Wine Glass-Photoshop
Step!: Open the Photo Document in Photoshop.Using the Elliptical tool Select a Portion Of that Couple.Go to Select-> Modify -> Feather->20 and copy that Particular Portion. Step:2 Then hide the Background layer and now place the wine bottle image.Place the couple image in the wine glass. Step:3 Then adjust the…
Current Web designing Comics Trend – 2016
The dominant means of designing visually rich Web sites, the use of tables is now actually interfering with building a better, more accessible, flexible, and functional Web. A web designer is responsible for creating a site or pages, this includes the design, layout and coding, this can mean working on…
Realistic water painting effect
Step:1 Open a photo document in Photoshop. Make a copy of the background layer and convert into smart object.Then make a couple of copy from this layer. Step:2 Then rename all the three layers as cutout, dry brush, Median.Hide the dry brush and median layer. Step:3 In cutout layer add…
Retro 3D movie effect amazing photoshop effect
Step:1 Open a photo document in Photoshop.Select the object using pen tool. Then save the selection as a new channel. Go to Select -> Save Selection. Step:2 Make two copies of the background layer.Rename the layers as green blue and red.Place these two layers into a group. Step:3 With the…
Realistic water droplets photoshop effect
Step:1 Open a document in Photoshop.Duplicate this layer by pressing ctrl+j.Then create a new layer and fill with white color above this layer. Step:2 Add a noise filter. Go to Filter -> Noise -> Add noise -> amount 400%. Then apply the Gaussian blur filter. Then have a threshold adjustment…
How to create photo frame border
Step:1 Draw a rectangle with no fill and have a stroke of 16pt and choose a border which you want. Step:2 Make a copy of the rectangular border.Then place a image in this document.Now Place the rectangle border in front and image at the bottom. Go to object -> clipping…
Ghost image effect-Photoshop filter
Step:1 Open a photo document in Photoshop. Convert this layer in to Smart object.Apply the Motion blur.Go to filter -> blur -> motion blur by adding the distance value as 64pixels. Step:2 The layer mask is added along with this.Now we want to erase the portion which we need.It can…
Flaming hot fire text – photoshop effect
Step:1 Create a new document with width 3 inch and height 3 inch.Then create a new layer above it and filled with black color. Step:2 Then type the text as DESIGN .Iam using Times new roman text here.Then enlarge the text by clicking ctr+t.Duplicate the text layer. Step:3…
Turning photo – colored dot pattern photoshop effect
Step:1 Open a document in Photoshop.Duplicate the background layer.Add a new layer above it and fill with black color. Step:2 Add a Mosaic filter with the value of 20 cells in Photoshop.Add a Layer mask in it. Step:3 Open a new document with height and width of 20 pixels.Draw a…
Water Reflection Effect Photoshop design image
Step:1 A New image is opened in Photoshop. Next step is to make a copy of the Background layer. We Can make a copy by pressing Ctrl+j. Step:2 Next, let’s add some additional canvas space below our image to make room for the water reflection. Go to the…