Tag: Animation in flash

  • Shooting the Missiles Using Action Script on Flash 3.0

    Step 1: Open a new document in flash. Set the stage color as black. Step 2: Choose Window > Properties from the main menu bar to open the PROPERTIES panel. Step 3: Expand the Properties section in the panel and choose the Edit button to enlarge the Document Settings window.…

  • Shake Effect on Action Script Using Flash 3.0

    Step 1: Open a new flash file. Choose Window > Properties from the main menu bar to open the PROPERTIES panel. Step 2: Expand the Properties section in the panel and choose the Edit button to enlarge the Document Settings window. Next, set the width to 550 pixels and height…

  • Floating Gallery Using Flash Cs4

    Step 1: open a new flash file. Set the width to 600 pixels and the height to 540 pixels. For this pictorial we need 8 images. We have to resize them with 330*330 for the main image and 75*75 thumbnail images. Name the images image-0 to image-7 and thumb-0 to…

  • Masking The Images On Action Script Using Flash cs4

    Step1: open a new flash file. Set the width to 465 pixels and the height to 232 pixels. And set frame rate to 24fps.               Step 2: By using the rectangle tool draw a rectangle. And import the image for background (file ->import ->…

  • Lightening And Masking Techniques Using Flash

    Step 1: open a new flash file. Set the width to 500 pixels and height to 300 pixels. Choose window -> properties from main menu bar, the properties panel is displayed. Step 2: choose the Edit button under the properties tab to display the document settings window. Set the width…

  • Flying Birds On Scenery Using Flash Motion Tweening

    Step 1: Open a new flash file. Set the width to 450 pixels and the height to 239 pixels, set movie’s frame rate as 34 from the properties panel and click ok.           Step 2: Set any background color for the document. Step 3: To set…

  • Blend Image flash Transition Effect

    Follow the steps to complete the tutorial. 1. Open a new flash file. Choose Window > Properties from the main menu bar to open the PROPERTIES panel. 2. Expand the Properties section in the panel and choose the Edit… button to enlarge the Document Settings window. Next, set the width…

  • Sticker peel off Animation using Flash

    Step-1: Open a new document with the size of 300 X 300 pixels. Stpe-2: Draw a picture like below or import (ctrl+r) the picture which you like to do animation in layer-1. I named the layer-1 as “Front”. Select the 25th frame of “front layer” and give F5 (to copy…