Open the document in Photoshop and place the photo in that document. Add a blank layer above this background layer.
Go to edit-> Fill-> black color. Then go to Filter -> Noise -> Add noise -> amount ->25 and make the distribution as Gaussian.
Now we want to make a transformation by pressing ctrl+t.Then make the changes in width and height as 200 pixels and make the blending mode as screen.
Then go to filter -> blur -> Motion blur and make the angle as -65 and the distance as 12 pixels.
Then make a level adjustment and add a clipping mask above it.Make a copy of that layer. Then go to edit -> transform -> rotate 180.Then go to filter-> Pixelate -> crystallize.
Go to Filter -> blur -> Motion blur -> angle -> -65 and distance as 20 pixels.Then make a changes in the level adjustment.
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