Pay per click Advertisements on a webpage have become the latest trend of marketing adopted by many marketing companies. It in general generates a lot of revenue for the website owner every time a viewer clicks on those particular ads listed on a webpage. The advertisements that appear on a webpage are related to the contents and the contextual aspects of that particular webpage. To put it in simple words basically the ads that appear on a webpage are related to the products and services provided by that particular website to viewers.
The concept of introducing a revolutionary marketing strategy was originally started by Google. Google introduced Adwords and Adsense systems which attracted several marketing companies for advertising instantaneously. These companies pay for some advertising space and in turn their ads are listed on attractive hot spots along search engine result lists as well as websites. The website owners tend to create an Adsense account which allows Google to list these company's ads on that particular website based upon its contents and services provided to viewers.
Every time the user clicks on these ads, the marketing companies responsible for that particular advertisement end up paying some amount to Google which is shared between the organization and the website owner. 60% of the amount goes into user's Adsense account and about 40% is taken by Google in the process.
For marketing companies it was a big boost as it opened markets vigorously and was a platform for developing one's business. And thus they immediately welcomed the concept and embraced it the moment it was introduced. As for the website owner, he/she tends to make some revenue out of these ads every time it is clicked upon and as it attracts heavy traffic from millions of web users the website becomes more popular and in turn its ranking increases in the process.
Search engines rate a particular webpage based upon its keyword content and the amount of traffic it attracts. As a result the same webpage it is most likely to be displayed among the top 10 result sets based on a particular keyword or a phrase every now and then whenever a viewer is looking for similar information about services or products.
The whole concept became highly popular initially as it led to a win-win situation for both the marketing companies as well as website owners along with search engines as well. It was highly appreciated. However illicit activities by spammers and hackers are pretty predominant in internet today and they have made at most use of this advertising strategy as well and in process have created several loop holes for themselves to get away with it and at the same time make huge profits creating issues for both marketing companies as well as website owners and other SEO's.
Necessity of Ad Filtering:
The concept of fundamentally changing or removing ads from a particular website is known as Ad Filtering. It has become highly necessary for websites to be monitored well and maintained in turn as well. What is being posted in your website is of at most importance for your website to be appreciated and rated well. Quality of a particular website is very crucial for every website owner and it entirely depends on its contents, the way the website has been designed and the general layout along with ease of use via navigation. This attracts more viewers online to gather information or purchase products from your website which is taken into account by search engines and you end up with a good rating website eventually.
As a result you are most likely to be listed among the top 10 result lists when viewers research for a particular service or product provided by your website. Just like how important it is to have quality information and other features mentioned above, it is also very important to monitor the ads in your website.
The ads listed in your website are highlighted to catch the viewer's eyes and they do tend to get attracted and click on it while they seek for information or products. These ads are more like links to other websites which sells those products or services. However, if they lead to another website consisting of several ads and links without any useful content, it simply annoys the viewer. From a viewer perspective, they just researched using search engines to end up in your website and the last thing they would like to do is end up in another website linked to your website consisting of several links and they need to research into those links as well. They have already done their ground work using their search engine and they shouldn't be made to research within websites.
Ad Filtering allows those kinds of advertisements to be blocked from your website. It is very important for website owners to pursue with it and regulate the flow of ads in their website as if viewers gets annoyed with kind of services you provide and the way these ads could mislead them from your website, you are most likely to lose potential viewers which reduces your website ranking and thus you fall down in the search engine's result lists.
Ad Filtering to the aid of SEO's and website owners:
Most of the search engines are pretty aware of the malpractices and illicit activities performed by the hackers and spammers. They are doing everything they can to come up with competitive algorithms to prevent these kinds of manipulations.
As an expert I have come across website owners developing a website just for the sake of making efficient use of Adsense system provided by Google. A lot of revenue has been generated by these processes for the same personals and in turn the marketing companies have been drastically affected. These marketing companies are put through heavy loss due to non converting clicks on these ads. Also these pay per click ads are clicked to artificially increase the click through rate and thereby manipulating search engines and optimizing the chances of the particular website to be listed among the top 10 result sets. These artificial clicks through rates are considered by search engines as a factor for ranking that particular website and thus these non efficient user annoying websites ends up among the top 10.
Genuine website owners who provide useful information and services for viewers are also affected in the process. Adsense has allowed Google to advertise these advertisements on a particular website which is related to its contents. Some of these ads lead to MFA sites which are highly annoying as it has no useful contents at all apart from ads in the form of links. As for a website owner who tries to develop his/her business by fair means it is really frustrating to lose potential customers and viewers due to the same reasons which degrades the website. The viewer will smply not visit the website once again.
SEO's and other website development organizations also find it pretty unfair the way in which search engines are being manipulated by these spammers and hackers as they end up suffering in the process. Because of the same practices adopted by manipulating agents the authenticity and the quality of the result sets provided by the search engines are affected.
In turn genuine websites loses its viewers and falls down in terms of website ranking. Marketing companies end up paying for non converting clicks and they encounter huge losses.
Meanwhile these manipulating agents also take advantage of people who want to make some genuine money and at the same time doesn't know how to create a website. These agents have readymade websites made especially for Adsense and sell them to these people for cheaper rates.
The contents are rendered to be highly useless and made especially for attracting high cost ads. Search engines are pretty aware about such practices and thus they end up banning such websites which is the last thing, innocent people mentioned above would want.
The only solution for the above mentioned problems is to pursue with Ad Filtering. Advertisements can exist in variety of forms such as pictures, animations, texts, pop-up windows etc. Technology development has led to advanced filters which allow fine control over advertisements through features such as white lists, blacklists and regular expression filters. Security features also allows website owners to disable certain ads based on a relative context.
The pros of following such a pursuit are
Quicker loading webpages which is what every viewer seeks for initially, apart from the quality of the website and its contents.
Cleaner webpages free of advertisements making its contents pretty precise and crystal clear providing sufficient necessary and useful information to viewers.
Save resources allocation for the website to be hosted. Every website occupies some memory while it is being loaded, some bandwidth for the network to be established to the particular server and CPU for its functioning. Websites free of advertisements requires minimum resources for it to be running successfully and thus it helps in saving some resources for the particular website. Also allows website owners to save some amount spent on the same.
Ad Filtering and its Disadvantages:
Though the disadvantages are minimal, there are a few.
The marketing strategy of advertising on websites is severely affected and as a result marketing companies who create genuine ads as links to their genuine websites are also affected. If every website owner blocks every ad then these companies end up paying unnecessarily for ad spaces to these search engines.
These ads (provided they are genuine) create a good traffic for a particular website apart from the revenue generated every time it is being clicked, Thus the website improves its website ranking and as a result it has an opportunity to optimize search engines and be listed among the top 10 search results deriving more business and revenue for its owner. By blocking these ads many website owners, SEO's and other website developing firms lose that window of opportunity to improve their website rankings by search engine optimization and develop one's business. The same also loses the opportunity of making some extra cash generated by the click through rates on these ads.
Basically pay per click ads on web pages needs traffic to them to generate traffic to the ads. By using methods like ad filtering users manipulate the search engines to make them think the site is a high quality site and make that site rank high in search engines. Ad filtering itself is not a major menace to the search engines but they indirectly affect the performance of the search engines by misleading them.
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